{% extends "JMSTranslationBundle::base.html.twig" %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if isWriteable is same as(false) %}
The translation file "{{ file }}" is not writable.
{% endif %} {% if "xliff" != format %}
Due to limitations of the different loaders/dumpers, some features are unfortunately limited to the XLIFF format.

However, you can easily convert your existing translation files to the XLIFF format by running:
php app/console translation:extract {{ selectedLocale }} --config={{ selectedConfig }} --output-format=xliff
{% endif %}

Available Messages

Filter messages by Id

{% if newMessages is not empty %}

New Messages

{% include "JMSTranslationBundle:Translate:messages.html.twig" with {"messages": newMessages} %} {% endif %} {% if existingMessages is not empty %}

Existing Messages

{% include "JMSTranslationBundle:Translate:messages.html.twig" with {"messages": existingMessages} %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}