
C.R.E.A: The Food Surplus Recovery Center

Regional project


C.R.E.A. project, Italian acronym for Food Surplus Recovery Center, represents an innovative pathway to fight poverty and social exclusion.

Valpolcevera is an area of the Ligurian capital largely inhabited by citizens in state of social distress due to inequalities, lack of opportunities, poor livability, and inadequate services and connections. In this area, there are 13 of the 18 city districts that have a situation of alarm, for the widespread poverty and the low enrollment and employment rates. This is the problematic context in which the community of San Benedetto al Porto has been operating since 2013: twice a week distributes free food to those who cannot buy it, recovering food waste from commercial circuits. C.R.E.A. project, italian acronym for Food Surplus Recovery Center, represents an innovative pathway to fight poverty and social exclusion. In 2018, more than 130 families in difficult conditions benefited from the project recovering over 100 tons of food.

